I accepted a job as Copperfield's company manager, which means I have to move to Vegas. Sad face for leaving LA but happy face that I now have health insurance. Hooray! Let's jump off buildings!
Right now I am in Rama, Canada on a Copperfield tour. We have already been to South Dakota, Chicago, Kalamazoo, MI and Minneapolis. Really stressful but really fun too!
Tomorrow we head to Flint, MI. Apparently there are tons of strip clubs down there... I wonder why...
Here are some pics of my adventures so far. Leaving LA pics, parents came to visit pics, and some tour pics.
I swear I'm going to have more time to blog now. The madness is over! YESSSS
P.S. these pics are in reverse order... lose

1) Mom and Dad finally visited me! pics of dad please?
2)Day 3 of tour - Chicago
3) Ash and I looking badass in Rama, Ontario
4) Obviously i'm related to dinosaurs. Chicago
5 & 6) The bean in Chicago. Can you find us?
7) Part of our prom date collection - Rama
8) The big ass waterfall in Chicago, minus the children spitting water
9) Aw, surprise party #2 in LA. I heart my friends, and kate's car
10)Bowling thugs in LA
11) So sad to leave
12)Lance and meee
13)Girls night... i heart you gals
And that's it for now, brief summary of 2010.
More posts soon!
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