Friday, November 6, 2009

Ice, Snow, and 30 mph winds = rach and ash wet in St. John's

Well, we had yesterday and today off in Saint John's Newfoundland. It's beautiful here, buuuut the precipitation factor is not helping us. Of course, we decided to rent a car today, and NOT YESTERDAY when it was nice outside.
We drove to the most eastern point in North America and took some quick pics on a cliff ( and by quick I mean, run run run, turn around, pic, run run run back to the car. It was 1 degree Celsius outside without windchill.)
Then, we drove to the first fort in america (i think that was the deal) and almost got thrown over the edge by the wind. I literally could not stand up, I was scared for my safety.
So, Ash and I got really wet today. It was fun but it would have been nicer if we could have enjoyed it a little more.
Last night we went to George St, which has the most bars per block in the whole world. so that was pretty cool. Minus the tourist beer prices.

Tomorrow we have 2 shows, then 2 more the next day and theeeennnnn back to LA! I can't wait

1,2,3,4) Most eastern point, in the precipitation
5) the fort, where i almost blew away
6) Halifax, Nova Scotia! We found a candy shop and got a bag of it for 98 cents
7) Man those Halifax waves are huge!
8) Halifax waterfront
9) mussels mussels mussels!

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