We made it to Sydney yesterday afternoon! After checking into our hotel, I walked around the city while we still had an hour of daylight.
Our hotel is right across from Hyde Park (I feel like I'm in London) so I walked over there, to the botanical gardens. and to St. Marks (or John, or Paul, some Bible name) Church. It was delightful!
The weather was a bit rainy and cloudy, and it's pretty cold right now, but other than that Sydney is on the top of my Aussie list!
Last night Max and I found a pub to eat at (and there were $5 pints) with live music. It was fantastic, but we were the only ones dancing, apparently the Aussies don't know how to rock out like we do! USA - 1 Australia - 0
2 shows tonight, 1 tomorrow and then we are off to Newcastle!
P.S. the pics are dark because of the shitty weather...

1) there are crazy birds everywhere that make redic noises. Here is one, I don't know what it's called but it shouts.
2) Rach T alone date means I took pics of myself... there is the bay and a lot of grass
3) Max and I at the pub
4) ew so there were trees full of bats. It was gross. I got out of there before dark.
5) The other side of the city
6) The city and cockatoos
7) St. Mark, Paul, John Church, inside and out. It was a pretty cool church
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