Movin' to Montana soonMontana is awesome! It's beautiful, the air is fresh and the cowboys are plentiful.
Gonna be a Dental Floss tycoon (yes I am)
Movin' to Montana soon
Gonna be a mennil-toss flykune
After our 20 hour bus ride, we went out to eat and stayed at the best hotel! The Hilton in Bozeman, MT is where it's at.
Today we have 2 shows on the MSU campus, then we are heading to Billings, MT for some more Montana action.
Here are some fun Montana facts:
If you are a married women, it is illegal to fish by yourself on Sundays
If you are not married, it is illegal to fish by yourself all the time.
Steer Montana is the World's largest steer, weighing 3.980 pounds. It lived for 15 years, is stuffed and kept in a museum in Billings. Here is a picture of the obese steer.

Because i'm lazy, the pictures from our trip are at the top of the post. enjoy!
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