This morning, I really needed a cup of coffee. I checked high and low in my hotel room, and guess what! No coffee maker. Apparently Mormons don't believe in caffeine and they want everyone to suffer...
So the tour is almost over... I'm so sad! This has been the best tour so far, and I'm going to miss all my friends and the great Copperfield music (sike) and seeing new places. Boo.
Here are some pics of Salt Lake, and our travel day.
We went to go see the Salt Lake City Bee's (minor league baseball team) play. It was excellent, as were the dippin dots.
Picture descriptions
1) Kingsbury Hall, where our show is being held
2)The bees! They had pink uniforms... and the shortstop couldn't throw the ball to first without it bouncing... I didn't see any agents scouting.
3) The mountains
4) The bar across from the bees stadium, don't drink the coke.
5) my newwwww car! sike
6) Max and I pretending like we are a couple
7)awww day 19... now it's day 20 out of 22. Sad face. P.S. Please don't mind wilma's finger, she is an angry person and likes to ruin pictures.