Let me start off my saying that American Airlines can eat poo. I will never ever (unless the price is right, like real right) fly with them again. Not only did they delay our 2 flights to Panama because of plane troubles, they lost my luggage. The luggage guy knocked on my door this morning at 4 am with bag in hand. Eat poo. Eat it.
Though I am sad to have left Panama, it feels good to be home. I played some wii, we had burritos for dinner, watched Battlestar from Friday, it felt good.
Here are some pictures from our last day in Panama, we went to the old city where the President lives and where the dungeons the Spaniards tortured the English were. It was a lovely lovely day!
1) the streets of the old city
2) the golden altar. The pirates came back in the day and stole all of Panama's gold. So this church covered this altar with mud and said it was wood. It worked.
3) kids on the beach playing baseball
4) Will enjoying some cerveche, he made sure the fish was dead.
5) The Spanish dungeons. We are bad people.
6)James Bond house! Remember in the last one he was at a party and walked out on the pier? They did some major set dressing to make that work!
7) The presidents house. We hung out. Had some sangria, talked about the old days.
8) View of Panama City downtown from old city. The tide is so strong that when it's out, it's out! The boats hang out in the mud till the tide comes back in.
9) All the buses are individually owned, so they decorate them all crazy style. I liked this one. It has mad bling on the hood.
I'm staying put till the end of April, so check back then for new posts!
Tu eres una solchecha caliente!